Monday, June 17, 2024

Pari (fairy)


'"If you don't bring me almonds tomorrow, look!" The little pari pointed her index finger at me and said to me
'I will definitely bring it,' I said with a smile, and Pari ran away to go home.
"Pari is the first standard girl in my school. She was delicate like a fairy, fair-skinned like a little doll. Any class student in my school is the same to me. Not only in my class but also with students from other classes, I have a bond. So all the children in the school are approached with equal rights. Of course, sometimes the kids in my class assert their rights by saying, "It's our ma'am!" but they seem to want this sweet "ma'am is mine" argument as much. Pari is the sister of my student, Sandeep; he is in my class. Sandeep is a smart and lovely student. The real name of the pari is Archana. But as soon as I saw her, the name "Pari" came to my lips.
Of course, being a school in a tribal area, the fairy tales had not yet reached here. Our stories revolved around animals, kings, queens, demons, thieves, and demons. So who are fairies, and what do they do? Then I explained who the fairies are and what they do.

"But Madame Archie has no wings? She can't fly.?" Sandeep said it in surprise. I couldn't stop laughing.
"Oh, fairies aren't real. They are only in stories. Archu looks sweet like a fairy, so I call her Pari."I did not know how much they understood my speech. But it came to light that Madam was so in love with Pari. The peculiarity of tribal societies is their unity. Everyone supports each other. Take care of all the children of Pari. It was felt from her behavior that Pari should be loved at home as well. Go out of the classroom to drink water or pee, and slowly enter my classroom and get pampered by me. .One day, Pari slowly came to my class with a board. 'Write me a barakhdi, my madam said,' Pari said, handing the slate to me.
' Don't you do your studies then?
'I can't write."
'Pari replied to my question. I finished her study looking at her. The girl jumped and ran to the classroom. Pari appeared again in half an hour.
'what now'? Looking at my questioning face, Pari said, "Our madam asked who wrote on the slate?" 
So what did you say?' I asked curiously. ' I will say that you wrote it.' Pari spoke innocently. Her sweet face looked as innocent as a delicate flower. My fairy was beyond true.She is far away from lies, anger, and hatred. 
She likes to sit quietly in my chair and watch me while I teach. Pari pointed to the bench to answer my question, "Now where do I sit?" I pick up the pari and put her on one side of the table, so I can do my work. Of course, Pari continued to do her pranks there too. Today, the stripes she drew on the teacher's presence book bear witness to it, as my students still testify to the lines drawn by Pari on the student presence book. This sweet and beloved fairy suddenly became distant and distant. I thought Madam was stopping her studies. But even on lunch break, Pari was staying far away. Her brother, Sandeep, remained depressed. In between, they went to study at a government residency school in the district. I felt a little depressed. But this was normal. On Corona's vacation, they started coming to our school. Pari smiled from afar but did not come close. Due to the Corona epidemic, school nutrition
(mid-day meal) was closed. Children have to bring lunch boxes from home. Of course, tiffin boxes were not available in every house. Then chutney bhakri or chutney poli is brought in a cloth or plastic bag.Pari's grandmother brought tiffins for them. But after a few days, she didn't bring tiffins. Sandeep and Pari used to be sad about it. One day, while observing the children, it was realized that Sandeep and Pari did not bring the lunch boxes. When the children sat down to eat, these two were playing in the playground. When I was called and asked about food, the answer was 'no hunger'. But seeing his sad face and the tears in Sandeep's eyes, I suspected that something was wrong. I called Pari near, gave her some money, and asked her to take food and eat. Pari initially refused, but went after her insistence. After eating, her face became happy again.

"Didn't Pari let Sandeep eat this?" to my question 
"He didn't take it," said the fairy, who ran away. The next day, I swam, filled two tiffins, and took them to school. On the lunch break, Sandeep used to go and play like always. I called them near and asked them to eat both the lunch boxes. Both the children happily ran away with the boxes. After a while, Sandeep ran in. "Ma'am, a "Ma'am, may you have a tiffin for you? You won't eat."

"No. Both the boxes are yours." I said, waving my hands over his head. All the children packed the lunch boxes. I was bringing as many lunch boxes as possible. One day, I went to Pada for work. I met Pari's grandmother. With great admiration, she was showing the house with great admiration. "Madam, build the house. This floor is installed. Now there is a sheet on top. But then the water below will not get wet.Now rainwater will not come into the house during the rainy season. In monsoon," the children inquired while chatting with her. "Madam Sandeep is big. Then Archana, her little brother, the youngest,
"Where is Archana's mother?” I asked casually.
"We kicked her out." Grandma said it angrily. "She wasn't working at all. So I gave it away. Now we will bring another one. Doughter in low," Grandma was talking easily. But I kept looking at her.
"This is my little daughter-in-law, who does everything. It feeds me, the children. How much work does she do?" Pari's grandmother was talking. And I realized the reason behind the sad faces of the children. Aunt feeds. But don't get up in the morning and do it. I brought something in a tiffin for them every day. When my pari started laughing again, I realized that her mother had returned.
. She has no parents, so her question is, Where to go no matter how much her husband beats her.?' Pari, who is always smiling, brings tears to her eyes when she brings up the subject of her mother. .Pari is growing up watching domestic quarrels and the inhuman beating of her mother. God knows how many children are wasting away their childhood with domestic violence.
Sometimes Pari used to come to school very well prepared. Her mother dresses her well. The sweet pari looked even sweeter. It was immediately noticed that there was a happy atmosphere in the house today. Pari's mother's thumb was fractured by her husband. So Pari had to stay home frequently for housework. Once her mother came to school, I asked about staying at Pari's house. She mumbled something in her mouth and left. I am a bit angry with her behavior: 'What a careless woman? There is no concern about the girl's education.' I went to class muttering like this.
One day while going to school, a parent suddenly said to me in front of the school, "Ma'am, she is behaving unbecomingly toward her. She should at least think of three small children."

I don't know anything. "What happened, brother?"
"Madame Archie's mother committed suicide at night. No one knows what will happen now." I was shocked to hear his words. How is this possible?
Pari's mother loved her three children very much. She remained close to her husband despite suffering all the hardships for the sake of the children. She used to give a good turn to the pari. Her mother loves to decorate the pari. A few months ago, she lodged a complaint with the police station against her husband's domestic violence. Since then, she has come to live in the colony from Pada. How can such a brave woman commit suicide? I don't know anything. Pari witnessed it. Therefore, Pari's testimony was recorded at the police station. How could such a young girl know? How will she testify? Many questions were coming to mind. I am so worried about Pari. I saw Pari attend school when I went to school the next day. I took her close and turned my hand on her back. At such times, words become mute. Pari's father went to jail. Grandma went elsewhere, fearing the police. Uncle and Aunty take care of Pari and her siblings. Pari comes to school every day to study. Whenever she sees me sitting quietly, she says to herself"Madam is s upset." Pari takes my mobile and says, Madam, smile, I am taking your photos." Then the pari takes pictures until I laugh. Sometimes she makes me laugh by suddenly making strange noises in my ears.
Every day after school, Pari comes slowly to me and kisses my cheek. When Pari is held close, I remember my Sonpari. Then the hug gets tighter.






Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 ' Dali, 'The name was a little different." But the girl was innocent. They are the fifth or seventh children of their parents.

As the eldest, she is beloved by her father. Her older sister, Lachha, had learned from my class. Elder brother Dashrath was in my class. And now Dali is one of my first standard students. If Dali did not come to school, it was usual to go to her house, meet her parents, and explain to them. When the father became the deputy sarpanch of the village, he said, 'Madam, I have a lot of work to do." Where do I get the time?" The real answers started coming. Her elder sisters had dropped out of the same school. Big family, mother pregnant every year, taking care of younger siblings, so none of them had completed their education. Dali is good at studying in it. So it was my struggle that at least her education should not be interrupted.

I once went to her house, like always. When I explained this to her mother, she became pregnant again. "Why don't you do a family planning operation?" The answer to my question was, "We are expecting a male child.". 

I returned to the school, explaining that Dali should be sent there. But Dali was absent. After many days' absence, Dali came back to school.

"Why didn't you come to school for so long? Are you worried about your studies?" I asked her angrily. "Ma'am, I have a new-born sister. So I was at home." Dali said.

"How is your sister?"

"She is dead," Dal replied to my question. What will happen if she doesn't die? I was muttering to myself. How much to explain? It doesn't matter.

I was looking at Dali. "Was your sister sick? How did she die?"

"Covering the basket on baby down, she said then," Dali was saying easily. I didn't refer to her sentence. The first standard little girl who was saying anything. I asked her to sit down. "Little girls say anything," I casually asked the cooks at lunch break.

"Ma'am, she is telling the truth,"' said a cook. 'Among them, the girl is killed at an early age. Tobacco is put in the leaves of the Nagarvel plant, and it's placed in a newborn girl's mouth. And she is covered in a basket. The girl dies of suffocation within an hour and a half. Then most of them bury in the house.'

The cook was saying, and I was listening dumbfoundedly,How is this possible?" I was confused. A family was seen aborting the fetus through gender testing. But this was very scary. explained in detail. I did not know how to react. How can a newborn baby be treated so cruelly? At least, how can a mother's heart agree?

"Madam, they feel nothing. For them, this is just a custom," cook Tai was saying.

Killing a living girl like that? How terrible it feels to hear. An unwanted girl lives with the stamp of unwantedness all her life. But here, her right to live was taken away. Instead of killing an ant, we are sinful people who think, 'Put sugar on it and it will go away'... Here, the young soul is suffocated; it is only for the girl because she is unwanted. The essence was shocking to my middle-class mind. And the subject was so sensitive that there was nothing I could do. My protest was like gently patting an elephant on the back. The elephant would not feel anything, but it would be time to go to the feet of the elephant to try patting on its back. At such a time, the laws of equality, rights, and protection of women all seem to be stupid. Fortunately, soon we were transferred from there, and my thoughts on this subject stopped. A period of 10–12 years passed in between. When I re-investigated, it was much improved. Killing girls is rare now. But what Dali's parents did was have a son.An awful incident happened in Dali's parents lives as a result of what they had done to have a son. His only son also committed suicide at the age of 16. The son did not remain. But the girls they didn't want are the same girls with them...



Pari (fairy)

   '"If you don't bring me almonds tomorrow, look!" The little pari pointed her index finger at me and said to me 'I ...