Saturday, April 20, 2024


 "Ma'am, ma'am, see what Anil is saying?" said my first standard students were running closer.

"What did he say?" I asked as I did my work.
"He says Radha is kissing Krishna!" "What?" I looked at him in surprise, which ensued. There was a commotion among the children. After the lunch break, the children were playing. I was doing my work in the classroom when this commotion broke out. I called Anil near. There was mischievous joy on the children's faces that now Anil would surely beat by me. I had a different thought in my head. Where did the first standard child hear such a pure Marathi word? Because the Bhil dialect or Ahirani dialect was used at home, in the neighbourhood, and in the area,. So I was inquisitive to know how Anil used this word."Where did you hear this word?"?"I asked Anil, "Which word?" His response was, "Did you just say Radha was kissing Krishnan?" "On TV, ""Anil looked at me and said. what to do with this boy now. I saw that photo. Shri Krishna is playing the flute, and Radha Rani is engrossed in listening to the sweet flute. It was a very wonderful photo. I showed the photo to Anil and explained the meaning of the photo in simple language. Anil was a storehouse of countless questions and doubts. At least once a day, he could not relax unless he opened that store of questions in front of me. One day, while playing, he suddenly came to me, his face scared. "Ma'am, my heart is beating very loudly. Look!" He said I was placing my hand on his chest. His heart was beating fast due to running so much. I called all the children in the class and asked them to put their hands on their chests. Of course, because everyone was playing, their hearts were beating fast. Anil explained the reason. From there, his numerous questions arose again, which were answered by the star. Anil likes to study while sitting near me. Ma'am, I get everything when I study standing near you." This explanation does not mean that Anil should study quietly. His chatter continued. Once he explained the movie "Tarzan: The Wonder Car" with complete dialogue, the action was. Anil was as innocent as he was, without a touch of fear or hesitation. Both parents are addicts. But Anil is their only son and very beloved, so he always gets money for food. Just once, he came with a full pack of fried pongee. It was not possible to finish all this, and it was injurious to health. But how will Anil listen? He ate a little and started to suffer. He came to me. And handing that bag to me, he said, "Madam, I am full; now you eat this." Anil loved me so much. So much so that if I am on leave, he avoids coming to school. I have met many children with strong intellects constantly striving to do something. However their lives are affected by the environment at home, the addiction of parents, and their indifference towards education. Some selected children from the class were preparing for their Navodaya exams. There was a good response. The day of the exam dawned. Sir and I went to the exam centre. The children came. They found the exam hall and seated them on the spot. I went near Anil. I inquired whether there was a pen or not. Anil took out a packet of chips from the bag and started eating. I got a bit irritated. "What the hell is this time to eat chips"?" "Madam, mom didn't cook; she gave me 5 rupees to eat chips," Anil replied. The hunger was evident on his face. It was 11 o'clock, and Anil was still hungry. I hid the tears in my eyes. I moved my hand with love over his head. "You eat." Then the examiner came. Anil looked at me nervously. "You eat; I'm here." He ate a little. Ma'am, it's done mine," he exclaimed. I put a big lollipop in his hand. My anil was happy. After the exam, I met all the children. Everyone was talking about the paper. Anil was alone in eating lollipops. He didn't even ask how the paper went. How can such a child write a paper on a hungry stomach? "Hungry Anil," I asked. Not now, ma'am; lollipop is cool," said Anil while eating. Navodaya Pariksha result declared. These kids were studying at a city school. And that year, only rural children got a chance. At that time, it was unfortunate that we could not do anything for these children. God knows when they will be freed from the maze of poverty, ignorance, and addiction.  I wanted to bring Anil home and complete his education. But it was not possible due to endless difficulties. One day, I asked Anil about coming to stay at home. Only we two will stay; never, sir, then," answered Anil. Although the parents of these intelligent children were poor and drug addicts, they had a lot of faith in me. "You are the real parents of our children," they always said.
But their immense faith in me could not save those children from the vicious cycle of their situation. Even today, if I inquire about the children, I will know that Kunal goes to graze goats, Anil does not come to school, and I am very depressed. How unbearable are we? (2015/16)

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