Friday, April 26, 2024

Why is caste not destroyed?

 It had been eight to ten days since I joined the new school. Sir had gone to the cluster school for a meeting. So his 4th class came to me. After going to class, I started chatting informally with the students. My favourite way to get close to children's hearts. Today, I reserve some time in my daily hours just to chat with the children. While chatting freely, children say something that cannot be found in any book. That's what happened today. There was great chat; children were talking freely. Suddenly, Uday asked the question, "Madam, why do we caste?" I was confused for a moment. It was not expected that the question would fall on deaf ears, but the answer should be given, and that too, to his satisfaction. The answer of the ruling party will satisfy the opposition party, but it is difficult to satisfy the doubts of the children. At such times, my habit of reading always comes to the rescue. The whole class was paying attention to me. Maybe they have the same question on their minds. The origin of caste, the system before that, and the fact that in ancient times a person was identified by his karma tried to give as much information as possible. Finally, I said that caste doesn't matter today; you can achieve it with your hard work and intelligence.

Then why was the caste not destroyed? What does it need?" Another question from Uday.

"Son, I don't know the answer. But I'll definitely find out."

I honestly admitted it. So the topic stopped there, and we again indulged in our chat. But the question of Uday was not leaving my mind. Not only this, but gradually it was realized that the casteism in the village was also seeping into the behavior of the students in the school. I spoke to Sir about this. In so many years of work, such an incident has never happened. My children's relationship transcends caste, religion, gender, and wealth. Uday's question forced me to think. We decided that if caste itself cannot be eradicated from the minds of children, at least the bitterness in it should be destroyed. While eating, the children used to sit in their cast groups, close them, and make them all sit together in a row. We all started growing food for students on the spot. At first, there was a little trouble and confusion. But co-workers were helpful, so the essence was smoothed out. One day Siddharth asked, "Madam, why do your meals grow us?" I looked at him while growing and said, "Because I like you so much and I love growing food for you all.".

It happened; April 14 came. Great man, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti. I went to class four. I told the children about Jayanti and gave them this information about the program. Mukesh excitedly said, "Yes, ma'am, we will do a great program." Then one exclaimed, "Your Eklavya Jayanti, ours is Ambedkar Jayanti." The other replied, "Yes, and our Valmiki Jayanti." Now my intellect was frustrated. The division of great men, saints, and gods had reached these children. Infuriating everyone, but in a tone of understanding, she explained how it was wrong. 'Om Namo Tatha Gata' is my favourite song. Beautiful lyrics from the divine pen of Suresh Bhat and from the melody voice of Sudhir Phadke, the beloved of all us Babuji."Param karuna lochanat datvi kshama" is a very wonderful line. Listening to these kids made me remember the song again and again. It was not the children's fault. We were trying to break this fence of caste discrimination by trying our best. It was quite successful. At least in school, the word caste was no longer heard. Two or three years passed like this. One day, a fourth-grade girl came to me and happily said, "Madam, our madams belong to our caste!" "How do you know?" I asked angrily. Ma'am has spoken," she said innocently. What will I say about this?? Why is caste not destroyed? How can we get the answer to the question of Uday? Further, while opposing the corruption, the threat of atrocity law was met, and the corrupt officer ignored it despite complaining and supporting such an act, Then the answer was given: Why is caste not destroyed? Poet Kusumagraj's 'Putale' is also a beautiful poem. At night, all the status of the village gather in the square and express their grief. We spent our lives for the country, and today our identity has become our caste. A certain society stands behind us. At last, Gandhiji says, At least society is behind you; behind me is only a wall. I don't know when the phrase' my country' changes to 'my caste'. In the end, only one truth emerges—that which never destroys caste (2013/14).

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